
New Law to Cost Medicare Patients More Money

A new law signed recently by President Obama is expected to fix an underlying discrepancy with Obamacare and Medicare patients, and the rates at which Medicare patients pay their doctors for services. The Medicare Doc Fix Reform law is the government’s attempt to...

National Retirement Planning Week

National Retirement Planning Week is coming up in April from April 13 through April 17, but this year, the organizations heading the education-filled public awareness week are adding one more element to the mix. On Thursday, April 16th, the Insured Retirement...

The Year of the What?

The Chinese culture recently celebrated their Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year. Each year is signified by an animal which is rotated every 12 years. The year 2015 marks the Year of the Ram (or Goat or Sheep depending on which region you live) and folklore states...

Retirement Can Be Taxing

Sounds like an oxymoron, right? When most people think of retirement, they envision a laidback, luxuriously glowing time in their lives. A time that is spent enjoying the things in life that matter most to you whether it’s travel, grandkids, hobbies, or frankly, just...

When Retirement Goes Wrong, Can Anything Go Right?

When I help someone plan his or her retirement, we focus on two goals: Making the most of what they have, and protecting their interests should retirement not go exactly as they’d wish. That second part is becoming more and more important. Today’s retirees have more...