Your 2019 Financial To-Do List

Things you can do for your future as the year unfolds. What financial, business, or life priorities do you need to address for 2019? Now is a good time to think about the investing, saving, or budgeting methods you could employ toward specific objectives, from...

Tax Efficiency in Retirement

How much attention do you pay to this factor? Will you pay higher taxes in retirement? Do you have a lot of money in a 401(k) or a traditional IRA? If so, you may receive significant retirement income. Those income distributions, however, will be taxed at the usual...

Retirement Questions That Have Nothing to Do With Money

Think about these matters before you leave work for the last time.  Retirement planning is not entirely financial. Your degree of happiness in your “second act” may depend on some factors you cannot quantify. Here are a few of those factors as well as the questions...

The Retirement Mindgame

Your outlook may influence your financial outcome. What kind of retirement do you think you’ll have? Qualitatively speaking, what if the success or failure of your retirement begins with your perception of retirement?   A whole field of study has emerged on the...

Should We Reconsider What “Retirement” Means?

The notion that we separate from work in our sixties may have to go.    An executive transitions into a consulting role at age 62 and stops working altogether at 65; then, he becomes a buyer for a church network at 69. A corporate IT professional decides to conclude...

When Should You Take Your RMDs?

Retirement gives you plenty of choices. You can decide when to claim your Social Security, what Medicare coverage to buy, whether you want to travel or stay put, work part-time or relax. One aspect of retirement finances many people think they have no control over is...