
National Retirement Planning Week is coming up in April from April 13 through April 17, but this year, the organizations heading the education-filled public awareness week are adding one more element to the mix.

On Thursday, April 16th, the Insured Retirement Institute and the National Retirement Planning Coalition will be partnering with HealthView Services for a day focused on the effects—good and bad—of healthcare costs as it relates to your retirement plans.
As we have discussed before in previous posts, the dilemma of healthcare costs mixed with people living longer but saving less for retirement combines to make at best an imperfect situation, and at worst, a deadly one.

The official press release announcing this addition to National Retirement Planning Week states:

“The Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) and HealthView Services will partner on a continuing education webinar for financial professionals, launch a new White Paper, and share data from HealthView Services’ upcoming 2015 Retirement Health Care Cost Data Report. In addition, HealthView Services will launch a new consumer-oriented health care cost calculator to complement its advisor-oriented planning tools.”

While the week may be geared toward professionals like us, it is still important for our clients to be included in the week-long event. Here’s why:

First of all, continuing education for financial advisors and retirement planners is crucial to providing the best service and knowledge to our clients ensuring that they have the latest and greatest advantage to being fully prepared for their retirement. With the ebb and flow of markets and economic growth, not to mention the new healthcare laws, it is important for consumers to know if their retirement planning professional is not only supportive but participating in National Retirement Planning Week.

Secondly, we have said it before and we will say it again—more than half of Americans have not saved enough for retirement. And while many still rely on Social Security or 401K income to make up for their savings’ deficit, there are too many factors that can deplete that nest egg faster than most would like to admit. That’s why National Retirement Planning Week is just as important for consumers. As it adds new knowledge to the professional retirement planning community, it raises awareness among consumers, hopefully contributing to individuals making more efforts to taking their retirement future into their own hands


Michael Canet is a Registered Representative with TCM Securities, Inc. and can offer securities through TCM Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC.