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Got A Friend Who You Think Could Be A Savvy Investor?

The biggest compliment we could receive is a referral from you. If there is someone you think we should reach out to, first make sure they know we will be reaching out. Second, fill out the information below. We will treat them with the kindness and respect that we treat you.

What happens when you send us a referral?


When you send us the name of someone you think would be a good fit as a Savvy Investor, you can expect a call from one of our staff to understand what they want and how we should reach out.

This is your friend, and we want to make sure we reach out how you would want us to reach out.

Second, we perform a Savvy Intake call to understand what they want and if it is a good fit or not. If it is not a good fit, we will still try and send them on their way, happy and getting value from the call.

Third, we will put together their Savvy Investor Retirement Summary and review it with them. This is all free for your friend.

At this point, they will probably chat with you, review their plan, and think about if it makes sense to proceed or not. We will respect their decision either way.

If they decide to proceed, we will treat them with the same love and care that we’ve shown you.

Again, thank you for the consideration of referring a friend that you think would be a good fit as a Savvy Investor.

Submit Referral Here

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