Michael Canet JD LLM, is a financial planner, estate planning attorney and host of The Savvy Investor TV and Radio Show, where he and Savvy Investor guests help listeners create, grow, and preserve their wealth. In this article, Canet reviews American’s retirement literacy grade – and how to pull your score up.
Glen Burnie, MD – January 28, 2014 – Estate planning attorney and host of The Savvy Investor TV and radio show, Michael Canet JD LLM, recently published an article on The Savvy Investor website about the recent finding that American’s don’t know much about retirement. In “Just Because Everyone Else is Failing at Retirement Literacy Doesn’t Mean You Have To,” Canet outlines research findings before turning to what it means (and how American’s can start to pull up their grades).
Canet writes, ” It would seem most American’s have a close-our-eyes-and-wish plan when it comes to retirement. The American College study says, “Only 27% of respondents report having a written retirement plan in place – despite the fact that 63% say they have a relationship with a financial advisor, and more than half (52%) are at least moderately concerned about running out of money in retirement.”
The entire article can be found at http://www.thesavvyinvestortv.com/articles/just-because-everyone-else-is-failing-at-retirement-literacy-doesnt-mean-you-have-to.php
To learn more about The Savvy Investor, please visit http://www.thesavvyinvestortv.com/
About Michael Canet JD LLM:
Michael Canet, JD LLM, is a financial planner and estate planning attorney specializing in family legacies and is a founding member of Prostatis Financial Advisors Group, LLC. Canet is the #1 Amazon best-selling author or two books, Successonomics (with Steve Forbes) and
Surviving the Perfect Storm: How to Create a Financial Plan That Will Withstand Any Crisis, and has been featured on The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and USA Today. He is also host of the nationally syndicated television show, The Savvy Investor, and The Savvy Investor radio show on WCBM 680AM. His approach, both on and off The Savvy Investor shows, is distinguished by clear and concise answers that are accessible to the people who need to understand them most: retirees.
You can listen to The Savvy Investor live on WCBM Talk Radio AM 680. http://player.streamtheworld.com/liveplayer.php?callsign=WCBMAM&advisorid=3002375