Michael Canet is a financial planner, estate planning attorney and host of The Savvy Investor TV and Radio Show, where he and Savvy Investor guests help listeners create, grow, and preserve their wealth. In this blog post, Canet critically examines a few “Rules” of retirement planning.
Glen Burnie, MD – Oct 31, 2013 – Estate planning attorney and host of The Savvy Investor TV and radio show, Michael Canet, recently published a blog post on The Savvy Investor website in which he gives a critical look at the retirement rules and guidelines frequently espoused by the media. In the blog post, “The ‘7 Rules of Retirement Planning’ and Other Nonsense” Canet warns following rules made for the masses.
Canet writes, “The trouble with these articles is that they are generic, while every person’s situation is unique. Therein lies the problem: too many people read these types of articles and think they are either doing well, or not, on a broad, one-size-fits-all scale.”
The entire blog post can be found at http://www.thesavvyinvestortv.com/blog/the-7-rules-of-retirement-planning-and-other-nonsense.php.
To learn more about The Savvy Investor, please visit http://www.thesavvyinvestortv.com.
About Michael Canet:
Michael Canet is a financial planner and estate planning attorney specializing in family legacies and is a founding member of Prostatis Financial Advisors Group, LLC. Canet is the #1 Amazon best-selling author of Surviving the Perfect Storm: How to Create a Financial Plan That Will Withstand Any Crisis, and has been featured on The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and USA Today. He is also host of the nationally syndicated television show, The Savvy Investor, and The Savvy Investor radio show on WCBM 680AM. His approach, both on and off The Savvy Investor shows, is distinguished by clear and concise answers that are accessible to the people who need to understand them most: retirees.
You can listen to The Savvy Investor live on WCBM Talk Radio AM 680. http://player.streamtheworld.com/liveplayer.php?callsign=WCBMAM&advisorid=3002375