Michael Canet, JD LLM, retirement planning expert, was recently seen on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX network affiliates around the country as an expert guest on “The Consumer’s Advocate” TV show.

Glen Burnie, MD – January 25, 2013 – Michael Canet, JD LLM, Founder of Prostatis Financial Advisors Group LLC, was recently an expert guest on The Consumer’s Advocate television show. The show was recently featured on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX network affiliates around the country.

“The Consumer’s Advocate” features an interview format, with host Nick Nanton interviewing experts on consumer driven topics from across the country. Michael Canet was one of the show’s recent guests, discussing how he guides his clients into and through retirement by creating a simple-to-understand financial plan that provides a predictable and reliable income during retirement.

Michael and his team at Prostatis Financial Advisors Group LLC have been providing comprehensive financial planning to their clients for more than 20 years. They do this by taking a holistic approach to the estate, tax, and financial planning process. It is not how much risk you can tolerate, rather, it is how much risk must you take to accomplish your goals. After all, it isn’t how much you make; it is how much you keep. With a legal background in estate planning, a Master’s Degree in taxation, and being a financial planner – Michael has the necessary skills to guide his clients into and through retirement.

The Consumer’s Advocate Show was produced by Emmy Award winning director and producer, Nick Nanton, Esq. and Emmy Nominated Producer, JW Dicks, Esq., Co-Founders of America’s PremierExperts® and The Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®.

To learn more about Michael Canet, JD LLM and Prostatis Financial Advisors Group LLC, visit http://www.prostatisadvisors.com or call 410-863-1040.